Sunday, 24 November 2013

Writing Term 4

I am learning to: Describe an animal.

What I need is: 
Describing words
What the animal is
What the animal looks like
What the animal does

Gerald the giraffe is a fantastic gymnast. He can do flips in the air and he has a very long  neck. His hooves make clickety -clack noises. Everyone said, "how did he get those  moves?"

Written and published by Hazel

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Discovery Term 4

We are learning to engage in positive relationships with others and focus on developing the key competencies:
Managing self
Using language, symbols and text
Participating and contributing 
Relating to others

Student reflection from a Discovery session: I built a hut with Gustan. I was showing community because when it kept falling down I helped my friends by building it back up.

CARE Term 4

Student response: I show Excellence when my learning is on the Quality Learning Table.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Dance Term 4

We are learning to: express ourselves creatively through dance.

To be successful we need to:
  • Learn the specific steps to the dance
  • Keep in time to the music
  • Follow instructions
  • Try our best

Click on the link below of Room 21 and 2 practising together:

Music Term 4

We are learning to: recognise different sections of music and respond through singing, moving, playing and creating.

To be successful we need to:
  • Listen carefully to the music
  • Move as directed by the words in the song
  • Sing as we move

Click on the link below:

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Reading Term 3

Teacher question: What do good readers do?

Student’s response: They read smoothly. They sound out the letters in the words.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Gymnastics Term 3

We are learning to: do a pencil roll.

To be successful we need to: put our arms above our head, have our hands palm to palm, our legs together and keep our bodies as straight as we can.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Maths Term 3

We are learning to: Count on and back to solve problems within 100.

Success Criteria: Start from the bigger number and count on or back to solve problems. Solve these in our heads or use a hundreds board to help us.

Click on link below:

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Term 3 Mihi

Te Reo Māori Mihi

We are learning to:
   Introduce ourselves in Te Reo Māori.
   Communicate personal information, such as our name, parents’ and grandparents’ names and home town in Te Reo Māori. 
To be successful we need to:
   Speak clearly and fluently.
   Use short simple sentences of Te Reo Māori to communicate personal information.

Click on the link below:

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Inquiry Term 2

We are learning to express our understandings of change.
Teacher Instruction - With this play dough or paper, make or draw what you know about change.
Teacher Question- What have you made or drawn to show me what you know about change?

Note: The first photo has been taken at the start of the unit and the second photo has been taken in the middle of the unit.

Teacher Comment:  You understand how butterflies change.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Mathematics with Statistics Term 2

I am learning to
Create a tally chart on Room 21’s favourite colours. Use this and a class graph to make statements.
Success Criteria
·     Ask a question to gather information.
·     Create a tally chart correctly.
·     Make a statement on the data: For example the most popular colour or the least popular colour. 

Child Comment: The most popular colour is pink.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Writing Term 2

I am learning to
Write an information report on the Venus Fly Trap.
Success Criteria
·     Include what it is, what it looks like, where it is found and what it does.
Next Step: Put full stops in the correct place.